Self-love Series: Love the Process

Self-love Series: Love the Process

Text by Ramona Kossowan, Certified Women’s Empowerment Coach, Gentle Trauma Release Practitioner, and Fitness Trainer Photos by Claudia Tecuceanu, Creative Portrait Photographer Dear women, We embarked on this self-love series from the launching...
Self-love Series: New Year – Choose YOU

Self-love Series: New Year – Choose YOU

Text by Ramona Kossowan, Certified Women’s Empowerment Coach, Gentle Trauma Release Practitioner, and Fitness Trainer Photos by Claudia Tecuceanu, Creative Portrait Photographer Alright sisters, we’re now up to our eyeballs in NEW YEAR’S...
Self-love Series: Are you on the list?

Self-love Series: Are you on the list?

Text by Ramona Kossowan, Certified Women’s Empowerment Coach, Gentle Trauma Release Practitioner, and Fitness Trainer Photos by Claudia Tecuceanu, Creative Portrait Photographer You’ve heard the holiday single “He’s making a list…checking it twice…”, right? I bet...
Intimate Boudoir Photos

Intimate Boudoir Photos

I’ve know this beautiful lady for a long time now and I was so happy that we did these intimate boudoir photos for her. It’s so emotional for me to see the joy and empowerment that boudoir photos bring to a woman. I always tell my ladies to do it for...